Gallery Serving our Local Homeless in Rhode Island 1-14-18
Serving our Local Homeless in Rhode Island 1-14-18
“It is more blessed to give than to receive” Once again today was a cold, busy, blessed morning. Waking up at 5am to give back to our local homeless during the Friendship Breakfast is worthy. Spreading Love & Kindness while passing out winter clothes, shoes, hats, scarves, gloves, socks, toiletries. Jan D Armor thank you for the gloves, hats, socks & toiletries. THANK YOU ALL for joining this string of good deeds and for all the donations; Linda, Mark T Fay, Giana. “Es mas bendicion dar que recibir”, una vez mas, hoy fue una mañana fria, ocupada, y bendecida. Vale la pena despertar a las 5am para servir a personas sin hogares. Difundir el amor y la bondad, repartiendo ropa de invierno, zapatos, sombreros, bufandas, guantes, medias, articulos de primera necedidades. #EsperanzaHope #community #love #passion #Commitment #Nonprofit #friendship #thankful #blessed #prayers