Gallery Passing Out School Supplies in Gonaives, lakou Soukri Haiti 8-18-2019
Passing Out School Supplies in Gonaïves, 8-18-2019
The Esperanza-Hope team is thrilled to be able to make a difference for those in need to get into school. Our volunteers Natacha Decaze & Bylie Alcide had a great time distributing backpacks and school supplies to the children in Gonaives, lakou Soukri Haiti. Here are some of the photos of the school supplies distributed to the children. The rest of the photos are not posted due to privacy reasons. *Ekip Esperanze-Hope santi yo rejwi dèske yo fè yo ka diferans pou timoun ki nan nesesite pou rantre lekòl la. Volontè nou yo Natacha Decaze & Bylie Alcide te pase yon bon moman nan distribriye valiz ake lòt founiti klasik pou rantre lekòl la nan Gonaives, lakou Soukri Haiti. Isit la yo se kèk nan foto yo nan founiti lekòl yo distribye bay timoun yo. Rès la nan foto yo pa afiche akòz rezon vi prive.