Gallery Adopt A Family-Christmas 2019
Giving Joy to Families in Need During the Christmas Season
Adopt a Family for Christmas 2019 Spreading Joy, Love, and Kindness
What a beautiful way to spend our holiday. For the 4th straight year, Esperanza-Hope and Lights & Sirens International hosted the “Adopt A Family for Christmas Program.” Yesterday we finished our holiday home deliveries and brought Christmas cheers to 15 families in Rhode Island.
We are blessed! Giving back to the community is heartwarming. On behalf of #Lightsandsirensinternational and #esperanzahope, we would like to say THANK YOU to all the people that made this possible, for helping us bring JOY to those who are less fortunate. That’s what Christmas should be about! Helping people, giving to the less fortunate, and spreading kindness! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! #2019